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来源: 作者:admin 人气: 发布时间:2021-10-25 11:59

蒋宝龄 (1781 - 1840 ),清代画家,诗人。字子延、霞竹、号琴东逸史,江苏昭文(今常熟)人,后寓上海。布衣。工诗,善画。道光三年(1823)吴中大水,吴江、震泽尤甚,居民流徙,王之佑作水灾记事诗十二章,宝龄为补十二图,详写实况。十九年创办“小蓬莱画会”。传世作品有道光四年作《秋光满径图》,录于《南画大成》;《清 人物 尤伯宣人物》画,录于《中国名画宝鉴》。著有《墨林今话》、《琴东野屋诗集》。子茝生,字仲蓠,亦善山水,笔法雅致,著《墨林今话续编》,咸丰三年(1853)成书。

Jiang Baoling (1781 - 1840 [1]), painter and poet of the Qing Dynasty. Ziyan, Xiazhu, and Hao Qin were born in Zhaowen (now Changshu), Jiangsu Province, and later lived in Shanghai. Cloth clothes. He is good at poetry and painting. In the third year of Daoguang (1823), there was a flood in Wuzhong, especially in Wujiang and Zhenze, and residents moved. Wang Zhiyou wrote twelve chapters of flood chronicle poems, and Baoling supplemented twelve pictures to write the actual situation in detail. He founded the "little Penglai Painting Association" in nineteen years. The handed down works include the picture of autumn light all over the path in the fourth year of Daoguang, recorded in the Dacheng of Southern painting; The axis of the shallow Jiang landscape painting is recorded in the treasure book of Chinese famous paintings. He is the author of "Mo Lin Jin Hua" and "Qin Dong Ye Wu poetry collection". Zi Pengsheng, with the word Zhongpeng, is also good at mountains and rivers and has elegant writing skills. He wrote the continuation of modern Chinese in Molin, which was completed in the third year of Xianfeng (1853).


When Daoguang came to Shanghai in the 19th year (1839), he initiated the organization of xiaopenglai calligraphy and Painting Association, which gathered celebrities to make calligraphy and painting gatherings in xiaopenglai. It was one of the early organizations of Shanghai Folk Painting Association. He once worshipped his fellow Xu Han as a teacher and studied poetry, calligraphy and painting. After learning Wen Zhengming, he made friends with Qian Du and was instructed in landscape painting. In his later years, he traced back to Dong Yuan and Ju ran. He is good at fine brush landscape, with a clear and peaceful realm. His pen and ink can be compatible with all schools, and he can see victory with pine and simplicity. Influenced by the trend of imitating ancient times in the late Qing Dynasty, it is inevitable to "deliberately imitate and write impetuously".


Chinese painting and calligraphy has a long history of collection. As a spiritual and cultural product of cultivating sentiment, painting and calligraphy can greatly improve the artistic accomplishment and appreciation ability of investors, and has high collection and appreciation value. A painting and calligraphy is placed in front of investors. To judge whether it has collection value, we should first know how to appreciate it. Appreciation requires in-depth study and analysis of the personal style, age and folk culture of paintings and calligraphy works through one's own eyesight and professional knowledge.


The artistic characteristics of he Jiaying's meticulous figure painting are also * * reflected in the depiction of the character's soul. He advocated: feel life sincerely. Using artistic language to express people's mind and emotion is something that can not be lost in every era. Therefore, in he Jiaying's works, he pays special attention to the change of eyes. The so-called vivid portrayal is the truth of ah Jian. He always relies on the artistic image itself to infect people, is good at skillfully setting the characters in the environment and angle that can change their character, and quickly grasp the emotional expression of the described object. Through the description of typical characters and typical environment to reveal the essence of life.


Painting and calligraphy is not only a kind of art, but also an investment commodity, so it has certain circulation and economic value. The circulation and economic value of calligraphy and painting depend on its own value, and there are many factors that determine the value. Low-value paintings are difficult to circulate in the market, so their profits are small. On the contrary, high-value paintings are easy to sell in the market and have great appreciation potential. Among them, circulation and economic value are also the key factors to attract many investors.


This painting is well preserved and rare. It is worth collecting. It has a very high investment value!





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